It is not as though we do not realize that the Gold Rush was over some 125 years ago. We do know that there are smog, high population density areas, heavy freeway traffic and termites. Regardless, we are moving our offices to Cal­ifornia and by the time you read this, it will be business as usual in Redondo Beach.

Last year over 170,000 people moved to the golden state, and migration has been well over 100,000 for the preceding years. The Center for the Continuing Study of the California Economy forecasts that the state's economy will grow 25-percent faster than the rest of the U.S. between now and 1985.

California has nearly 12 million cars registered, almost twice as many as either Pennsylvania or New York, the next largest car-populated states. That is more than all cars registered in Canada and Mexico combined; it is also about three times more than are registered in Russia.

The golden state has 10,000 transit and 3,000 school buses; it has more truck stops than any other state except for Texas. It also accounts for 10-percent of the total vehi­cle miles traveled in the U.S. with 132.5-billion miles re­corded. Next highest is Texas with 84.6-billion; New York, 65.1-billion; Ohio, 64.1-billion; Pennsylvania, 63.7-billion; Florida, 61.7-billion and Illinois with 60.9-billion. These seven states account for 40-percent of all the nation's travel. California vehicles consume nearly 11-billion gallons of motor fuel, by far the nation's largest consumption.

Yes, even though we are leaving the midwest where cars, trucks and buses have traditionally originated, we will be in the middle of the largest transportation center of the country.

We leave our Education Division and our lovable regional sales manager, Earl Gray, in the Chicago area along with a host of automotive friends. Moving west with our transpor­tation publications will be the headquarters for both the Automotive Fleet and Leasing Association and the National Association for Pupil Transportation.

Our key people join me in the anticipation of pioneering in sunny southern California with the opportunity to estab­lish our new offices and develop more industry friends, our hope that you will continue to communicate with us you can just as easily as ever.


About the author
Ed Bobit

Ed Bobit

Former Editor & Publisher

With more than 50 years in the fleet industry, Ed Bobit, former Automotive Fleet editor and publisher, reflected on issues affecting today’s fleets in his blog. He drew insight from his own experiences in the field and offered a perspective similar to that of a sports coach guiding his players.

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