Michigan's infrastructure ranked highest among all key issues including jobs and the economy,...

Michigan's infrastructure ranked highest among all key issues including jobs and the economy, education and education funding, and water and sewer infrastructure.

Photo by Mike DiCicco/Marine Corps Base Quantico. 

In a state poll conducted Jan. 14-18, 29.5% of respondents said the most important issue facing Michigan right now is improving roads and bridges, reports WWMT.

The infrastructure issue ranked highest among all key issues including jobs and the economy, education and education funding, and water and sewer infrastructure.

In fact, more than 85% of people who responded to the poll said the roads in Michigan have either stayed the same or gotten worse. Moreover, 53% said they believe the state has enough money already to fix the crumbling infrastructure, notes the report.

When asked who can be trusted the most to spend money wisely to improve the roads, close to 30% said cities or township governments or county leaders would be best, according to the report.

Potholes and bad road conditions can be deadly for drivers. Experts say that of the approximately 35,000 traffic fatalities each year, one-third involve poor road conditions.

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