The California Fuel Cell Partnership has started a Web-based questionnaire to gather information from fleets interested in helping to test and operate fuel cell vehicles and infrastructure in real-world conditions. The questionnaire -- found at in the "new online" section -- allows managers of public- or private-sector vehicle fleets to submit information and express interest in serving as a fleet demonstration site for fuel cell vehicles. CaFCP's automotive members, who are already beginning to place limited numbers of vehicles into actual day-to-day applications, may use the data as a source of potential fleet participants. The questionnaire was jointly developed with the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy through its National Renewable Energy Laboratory. The site seeks information on fleet use, typical routes, experience, on-site support facilities, and funding resources. Automakers select fleets based on specific criteria and expectations, including previous experience with alternative fuels; community and fleet-driver commitment to the project; and a willingness to dedicate resources such as personnel and funding to the effort.

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