New modular system from epyx offers a more flexible approach to fleet remarketing.

New modular system from epyx offers a more flexible approach to fleet remarketing.

Credit: epyx

The e-commerce provider epyx is changing its approach to fleet remarketing by offering its services in a modular mix and match approach.

Based on technology from the company’s 1link Disposal Network platform, the eight new modules have been launched in response to the changed market conditions following the pandemic. The modules provide a more bespoke offering tailored to customer requirements, rather than customers needing to take the entire 1link platform.

The eight modules are: Sales Booster, Logistics Organiser, Inspector, Damage Recharger, Auction Operator, Task Manager, Online Sales Simplifier and Data Analyser.

Commercial director of the FLEETCOR Technologies’ owned firm, Debbie Fox, said: “These modules provide the means for fleets to take control of their defleet digitization in exactly the manner they desire. While the final shape of the new normal is very much in flux, they make the right technology available at all times.”

Fox said that the pandemic had accelerated digitization and had allowed businesses time to rethink their defleet remarketing strategies based around technology usage.

She added: “Not all fleets required our entire 1link Disposal Network to implement these new strategies, so we have reacted by making key elements available on a modular basis, allowing existing and potential customers to access the exact digital tools they require.

“The eight module range means fleets can, on one hand, stay on top of their remarketing program, minimize administration and maintain relationships with partners while, on the other, identify new opportunities, use data more strategically and develop insights.”

What’s in the new modular range?

 The Sales Booster

Streamlines the vehicle buying process using one simple portal, sending out provisional quotes, providing callbacks and creating purchase documentation. It can also filter out unwanted enquiries.

The Logistics Organizer

Manages a fleet’s vehicle logistics – including electronic orders to collect vehicles, movements from one location to the next, and ensuring car collections occur on time.

The Inspector

Automates manual inspection processes, electronically organizing thorough examinations of a fleet’s vehicles to check for damage, evaluate condition.

The Damage Recharger

Checks the inspection report, points out potential issues, highlights areas that qualify as a recharge to both fleets and their customers.

The Auction Operator

Connects with auction houses to help fleets achieve the best price on defleet. Also provides access to epyx’s Rostrum app which enables anyone selling at the auction to inspect the vehicle and make changes to key details in real-time.

The Task Manager

Oversees all aspects of a fleet’s vehicle disposal journey.

The Online Sales Simplifier

With access to epyx’s dealer-facing 1link Trade Buyer platform, it helps fleets process cars and vans using a specially created online auction platform.

The Data Analyzer

Offers fleets the ability to report on all aspects of their vehicle remarketing; data helps identify potential issues.