Captivate and TransitScreen have partnered to bring real-time information on nearby transportation options — from public transit to bike-share, car-share, and ride-hailing services — to Captivate’s network of multipurpose display screens.
With this partnership, Captivate has created a unique value proposition for property managers, who typically purchase separate solutions to showcase transit information. Captivate now offers a solution that combines the power of real-time transit information curated by location alongside hand-curated content (across national/business news, sports, and lifestyle) and dynamic communication tools.
Now available in Captivate’s Multipurpose Display and easily accessible through the Custom Content Window online portal, TransitScreen helps tenants take control with real-time transit data, customized with the most relevant information. Transportation data depends on building proximity, primarily covering a five-block radius, and is updated every two to three seconds.
Originally posted on Metro Magazine
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