The plan also demands that the council look for other ways to restrict non-essential vehicles...

The plan also demands that the council look for other ways to restrict non-essential vehicles from roads near primary schools.

Photo via Jaguar MENA/Flickr.

The city council in the UK’s city of York has voted to ban private vehicles from the city center by 2023, according to a report by Smart Cities World. This decision would help to decrease carbon emissions and air pollution.

Under this new plan, non-essential private vehicles would be banned from the center, but people with disabilities who depend on vehicles would still be able to drive in the city, says the report. The plan also demands that the council look for other ways to restrict non-essential vehicles from roads near primary schools.

 “What I’m hoping we can do is start thinking about ways that we can get around the city in a more sustainable way, so improving walking and cycling infrastructure but also making public transport as accessible and attractive an option as possible so that rather than it being a punitive ban on cars, it’s actually much more about a really positive step to say that we want to make cars the second choice,” Johnny Crawshaw, the councilor who put forward the motion, told BBC Radio York.

York’s city council will now figure out how to execute this plan, according to the report.