The mobility fee, if implemented, will allow for services such as roads, police protection, and...

The mobility fee, if implemented, will allow for services such as roads, police protection, and public facilties to be maintained. 

Photo via Wikimedia Commons.

The city of Palm Beach Gardens in South Florida plans to incorporate a mobility fee as early as 2020 after city officials urge for increased need of funding sources for county infrastructure.

According to the Palm Beach Post, and ordinance and mobility fee plan titled, “Ordinance 16” or “Mobility Fee and Mobility Plan,” were unveiled June 4 prompting city officials to amend land development fees to incorporate transportation impact fees.

Planning and Zoning Director Natalie Crawley told the Palm Beach Post that talk of a mobility fee has been circulating since 2016, however advancements were never made. This has been due to a split agreement on enacting this policy.

The fee would include a one-time capital charge level at new development to fund infrastructure. This means that anyone looking to develop land by applying for a permit would be required to pay a fee for services such as roads, police protection, and public facilities, reports the Palm Beach Post.

Ordinance 16 will be discussed at a second reading taking place at the next city council meeting, scheduled for Sept. 5, reports Palm Beach Post.