The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has awarded Leonardo Academy a $1,600,000 Diesel Emission Reduction Act (DERA) Grant, which will impact an estimated 50 diesel engines in EPA Region 5, throughout the Upper Midwest, according to Leonardo Academy.

Leonardo Academy anticipates partnering with a variety of organizations, including trucking companies, public transit fleets, school bus operators, construction companies, and airline ground fleets. The funds will assist a range of projects to reduce diesel emissions. Several fleets will replace outdated diesel trucks with new natural gas vehicles, expanding the use of alternative fuels throughout the Midwest. The remaining projects will use the grant funding to assist in the implementation of exhaust control technologies or engine repowers. These projects are estimated to reduce over 30 tons of nitrogen oxides (NOx), 1.3 tons of particulate matter (PM), 1,000 tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) and 110,000 gallons of diesel fuel per year.

"Leonardo Academy recognizes the environmental benefits of reducing harmful emissions throughout multiple sectors of the economy and continues to develop sustainability strategies for people, companies, and organizations that engage progress toward environmental and social equity achievements," explained Michael Arny, president of Leonardo Academy. "We look forward to extending the success of our Sustainable Transportation Program to a broader range of stakeholders, organizations, and fleets."

Leonardo Academy is a co-chair of the Wisconsin Clean Diesel Coalition (WCDC) and Steering Committee member for the Midwest Clean Diesel Initiative (MCDI). The WCDC is a collaborative of diesel fleets, engine manufacturers, government agencies and other nonprofit and private stakeholders that have joined efforts to voluntarily explore, develop and implement mobile diesel emission reduction strategies in Wisconsin to support the MCDI's goal of impacting 1 million diesel engines. MCDI is a collaboration of federal, state, and local agencies located primarily in Region 5, with communities, nonprofits, and private companies working together to reduce emissions from diesel engines in the Midwest.