“The W56 marks the first official vehicle designed and produced under our revamped team and is...

“The W56 marks the first official vehicle designed and produced under our revamped team and is the culmination of many hours of hard work combined with process enhancements implemented over the past 18 months,” said Workhorse CEO Rick Dauch. “As we complete the final steps in our transition from a technology start-up to a pioneering commercial EV OEM, we look forward to starting production and making initial deliveries later this year.”

Photo: Chris Brown

Workhorse Group Inc., a technology company focused on transitioning to zero-emission commercial vehicles, has introduced its W56 step van model at the National Truck Equipment Association’s (NTEA) Work Truck Week in Indianapolis. The first-look presentation was hosted by Workhorse CEO Rick Dauch on March 8.

Available in a number of work truck configurations tailored to meet various business applications, the W56 is the company’s new Class 5/6 model. The zero-emission delivery work van has a payload capacity of up to approximately 10,000 lbs. and a range of up to 150 miles. The W56 also offers a 1,000+ cu. ft. cargo box with lowered step-in and wide cabin door for easier entry and exit.

The W56 offers a fully-designed, purpose-built chassis platform built from the ground up out of Workhorse’s Union City, IN, factory. Customer demonstration vehicles are expected to be ready in the coming weeks before regular production begins in the third quarter of 2023.

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