<p><strong>GM's Buick Avenir Concept luxury sedan borrows its name from the French word for "future." <em>Photo by Mike Antich</em></strong></p>

Eighty percent of cars and trucks in the Swapalease.com retail leasing marketplace fall somewhere on the grayscale, which includes black.

The retail vehicle leasing marketplace reported that 31.4 percent of cars in online stock were black, 19.6 percent white, 13 percent silver, 9.1 percent dark gray, and 6.5 percent gray. Grayscale is a range of shades of gray with the darkest possible shade being black, which is the absence of reflected light.

Gray also dominated the car color market last year, representing 76.5 percent of the marketplace. Gray has been popular since before the recession, according to Scott Hall, executive vice president.

The second most popular color that doesn't fall on the grayscale is red, making up 5.2 percent of total cars. Blue and dark blue follow red.

Red and blue were popular vehicle color choices in the early and mid-2000s, but gray vehicles started to become more favored around 2005, according to Hall. When Swapalease was first founded, the traditional choice was black.