Carolina Auto Auction’s third annual Autoberfest was celebrated in a packed house featuring dealers from three different countries and 13 states, with 947 bidder badges who bid on more than 2,000 vehicles.

Representatives from Carolina’s client base who joined the festivities included Ron Aaron with Triad, Becky Stull with Wachovia, Jared Nawojski with RSA, Jake Sutton with BBT, and Don Secrist with GE Remarketing. Additional large consignments came from Isuzu, US Bank, Marketwise, Metro Toyota, and Upstate Automotive Group.

Carolina kicked off the sale with a free breakfast for all attending dealers and offered a 28-day float to the day’s successful buyers. Auto Use and AFC participated in the sale with 0 percent financing offers. The auction also recognized Becky Stull of Wachovia for 30 years of service with the company.

With the smell of bratwursts cooking on the open grill and the chants of “Sold!” from the auctioneers, attendance stayed strong throughout the day. At the end of the six-hour sale, prizes were awarded in a drawing, including popcorn machines, snow cone machines, smoker/grills, a laptop computer, trips to Opryland and a club car utility cart.