REDWOOD SHORES, CA - With the advent of smartphones and tablets, mobile work is increasingly prevalent. Based on the iPass Mobile Workforce Survey results from August 2011 and November 2011, Dr. Carolyn Axtell assessed the effect of mobile work on the labor force and discussed ways companies can maximize efficiency for their staff.

Mobile technologies give workers the opportunity to make better use of “dead time” such as their commute to work, or waiting for a delayed business flight, according to Axtell. Since employees can access work materials on the go, they are no longer restricted to regular business hours and therefore have more job flexibility.

The iPass reports that 64% of respondents felt that they were better able to balance workload with personal commitments due to flexibility, 51% felt more relaxed as a result of having work flexibility, and the majority of respondents considered themselves to be performing better as a result of increased flexibility.

As a result of mobile work, there are those who struggle separating themselves from their work and feel a bigger pressure to work more consistent hours, Axtell said. According to the report, 47% of respondents worked five to 10 extra hours a week with increased flexibility and 26% worked an extra 15-20 hours.

However, there are solutions Axtell advised for both companies and employees to overcome these challenges or prevent them from occurring. Employees can practice relaxation, detaching from work and developing a strong work-home boundary, while organizations should enhance employee control over their work, provide support to their staff and reduce expectations for long hours.