This week’s tip, provided by Wyoming Rules of the Road, addresses the difficulty motorists can encounter while driving in blizzard conditions. You may want to pass this along to your drivers as a friendly reminder.

Icy roads topped by a blowing ground blizzard make for double trouble. Slow down, of course, but also keep moving and don’t panic. Do not do anything quickly. Any steering or braking movements, as well as the speed you maintain, should be slow.

If you do lose your bearings, roll down the window and look on the downwind side of the car to determine where you are on the road, by using either the center stripe or the edge of the road. Most importantly, be patient when driving on ice or snow.

If the vehicle in front of you spins out on an icy hill, stay in line. Wait for a snowplow to clear the way. You’ll get through much quicker.

If one person skids, others may. And if you stop to help someone who has slid off the road or been in a crash because of ice, be careful. Park well away from the crash site, and be ready to get out of the way should anyone else lose control at the same icy location.