TORRANCE, CA - With sessions including "How to See Green in a Down Economy" and "How to Make Your Green Program Pay for Itself," the 2009 Green Fleet Conference will present solutions and resources to help commercial fleet managers continue environment initiatives in budget-challenged times.

"We will show you where to find the money," say organizers of the Bobit Business Media (BBM) event, scheduled Oct. 19-20 at the Chicago Hyatt Regency.

The conference mission is "to help commercial and public sector fleet professionals find truly green, truly practical, and truly affordable solutions," says Bob Brown, BBM associate publisher.

Speakers and panelists will include industry experts and fleet managers sharing real-world experiences in implementing green initiatives for which costs were offset by program savings.

According to organizers, a highlight of the 2009 conference will be a Fleet Environmental Leadership Awards presentation, a new program recognizing fleet government and commercial fleet organizations excelling in effective environmentally responsible operations.

Other planned session topics include:

  • Step-by-step instructions to create a green fleet policy.
  • Customized improvements to fleet environmental and operational performances.
  • Cap and trade program impacts on the fleet industry.
  • Strategies and sources to obtain grant funding.
  • Real-world driver behavior modifications to meet green fleet goals.
  • How to become a green model shop.
  • How to become a carbon-neutral corporation.

Several fleet case studies will also be presented, including Wal-Mart, Hillsborough County, Fla.; Inglewood, Calif.; City of Austin, Texas; and City of Seattle.

A subject-expert panel discussion will explore use of alt-fuels, including CNG, propane, ethanol, and electricity.

In addition to exhibit space featuring products and services to help fleets green their vehicles and operations, the conference will provide networking opportunities with industry peers and experts.

Green Fleet Conference registration information, including an early-bird discount, is available at or by calling (800) 576-8788.