SPARKS, MD – PHH Arval's clients that want to reward their drivers for maintaining safe driving records now have an easy, effortless way to do so with the company's latest safety product addition: PHH's Driver Safety Online Awards program.

This fully automated driver safety reward program is available to PHH Arval's North American clients. Drivers who are eligible to receive these awards for safe driving can now log onto their company's reward program site (usually as a link from their own employee intranet) and select the driver safety incentive award of their choice. The program can be completely customized and branded for each client. Personalized consulting on the structure of the reward program is free; clients pay per award delivered, and billing is consolidated through PHH Arval.

The Driver Safety Online Awards program is the latest in a number of enhancements to PHH Arval's driver safety products, including "How's My Driving?" vehicle monitoring, comprehensive driver training for drivers of all classes of vehicles, and the Re-branding/Re-painting service. All of these products can stand alone or be combined with PHH Collision Prevention, PHH's comprehensive safety program that develops a culture of safety designed to dramatically lower accident rates.