DEER PARK, NY– According to a recent study by the Aberdeen Group, the implementation of a GPS system provides an average 13.2 percent reduction in fuel costs. The same study found that nearly one-third of service companies are using GPS-based location data to improve service response times, workforce utilization, and service profitability.


John M. Cunningham Jr., president of Vehicle Tracking Solutions (VTS), a New York-based fleet management company, has seen an increase in interest in GPS tracking from companies that operate fleets.


“Fleet operators can minimize the impact of rising fuel prices by installing a VTS tracking system in their vehicles. Our customers realize an average of 11 percent to 13 percent savings in fuel costs after implementing our system,” Cunningham said.

Sources state that an hour of engine idling results in the consumption of one gallon of fuel. GPS tracking provided by Vehicle Tracking Solutions allows fleet operators to monitor engine status, to ensure vehicles are not wasting gas by idling. Vehicles are most efficient at 50-55 mph; exceeding these speeds expends gas at an increased rate. The VTS system provides exception based text notifications that can alert fleet operators when a vehicle exceeds set speed limits, as well as when it starts moving or enters a designated area.

Although reducing fuel costs is a major factor in purchasing a fleet tracking system, the VTS solution also provides benefits such as reduced overtime pay and increased deliveries or service calls. The Aberdeen Group reports that implementing a GPS system reduces overtime costs by an average of 13.4 percent through increased efficiency and driver accountability.