For essential staff who remain onsite, KAR Global said it will continue to follow all United...

For essential staff who remain onsite, KAR Global said it will continue to follow all United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Public Health Agency of Canada recommendations on workplace safety, social distancing, and enhanced cleaning protocols.

Photo courtesy of ADESA.

KAR Global is halting physical sale operations across North America at all ADESA locations, and includes Simulcast-only sales for at least the next two weeks.

“As permitted by local, state and provincial directives, we will maintain minimal essential operations at those locations for security purposes and to receive and release vehicles under certain circumstances,” KAR Global announced in a release.

For essential staff who remain onsite, KAR Global said it will continue to follow all United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Public Health Agency of Canada recommendations on workplace safety, social distancing, and enhanced cleaning protocols.

 The company’s digital marketplaces and platform businesses remain operational to serve its buyers and sellers, and remain supported by a remote workforce.

Originally posted on Vehicle Remarketing

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