Parking: Taming an Untapped Cost Center
Parking: Taming an Untapped Cost Center

There’s little question that parking is among the biggest headaches facing drivers in dense urban centers today. And it’s doubly so for fleets.

It’s estimated that drivers spend 17 hours a year looking for a parking space. That time spent looking for parking is time away from being productive — often leading to missed appointments or, just as costly, stressed sales reps or service technicians who aren’t at the top of their game.

For fleet managers, parking is perhaps one of the biggest untapped cost centers left to tame. In today’s era of tight budgets and corporate demands for cost-cutting measures, finding a way to control an unmanaged cost is crucial for both the fleet’s own effectiveness and corporate financial health. Parking savings go right to the bottom line.

Consider, if each vehicle in a nationally dispersed fleet of 1,000 sedans parks just once a day for an average $20.29 per day, the fleet will spend approximately $4.8 million per year on parking alone.

It’s a sobering number for sure, but there is a way to control this cost.

Click here to see how much Arrive will save your fleet

Enter Arrive for Fleets

After a decade helping consumers find available parking, Arrive has introduced Arrive for Fleets, which takes the guesswork, expense, and, most importantly, the headaches out of the parking experience.

The result: sales reps and service technicians are more productive and the fleet sees significant cost savings.

Arrive for Fleets is an intuitive, app-based solution that allows a fleet’s driver to:

  • Reserve a parking space in a network of structures in densely-packed urban centers across the country.
  • Manage the payment through the app. Arrive for Fleets functions similarly to a corporate or fleet fuel card, so there’s no need for the driver to pay for parking out of pocket.
  • Rely on the strong detailed support of the app to accurately direct them to the parking structure or to available parking.

Arrive Mobility has integrated its technology with parking providers in urban centers throughout North America, providing a large network of parking options that reflect the needs of most fleets and their sales reps and service technicians.

The driver convenience continues after parking. With Arrive for Fleets, drivers don’t have to worry about getting a receipt or creating a parking expense report. It’s all handled directly through the reporting functionality on the app.

Benefitting the Fleet

Arrive for Fleets will save fleets the direct costs for parking, using the above 1,000 vehicle fleet example, direct savings from parking will be more than $1.4 million — savings that will go directly to the bottom line.

But fleets will realize other cost savings from using Arrive for Fleets, including, but not limited to, saving on fuel costs related to circling the block looking for available parking, violation/towing costs, costs related to damage from break ins or outright theft of the vehicle.

Finally, the company will benefit from having a more productive employee. By making parking easier, it could allow the sales rep or service technician to make one or more extra appointments per day.

Arrive for Fleets offers a no-excuse use case for a parking management solution. Fleet managers and their drivers will no longer have to be worried about paying for parking or creating a report to get reimbursed. And, for the fleet manager, parking has now become completely transparent. Reporting is in real time, allowing the fleet or driver’s manager to keep tabs on the driver.

Because of this real-time insight, there’s no question about how much parking is actually costing the fleet, if the driver is parking according to fleet policy, and, most importantly, is utilizing the company’s vehicle to do their work, instead of a more expensive alternative.

Taken together, Arrive for Fleets offers perhaps something even more valuable to fleet managers than cost savings, convenience, and productivity — peace of mind. With Arrive for Fleets, parking is no longer an ongoing headache, but a convenient easy part of the sales rep or service technician’s job.

Arrive for Fleets is available directly from Arrive and as part of the service offerings from a select and growing number of fleet management companies.

Click here to see how much Arrive for Fleets can save you and your company.