Bill Elliott, CAE, executive director of AFLA, speaks at the 2018 AFLA Conference.

Bill Elliott, CAE, executive director of AFLA, speaks at the 2018 AFLA Conference.

Photo courtesy of Lauren Sea Photo.

Registration for the 2019 Automotive Fleet & Leasing Association (AFLA) Conference has opened, and will be celebrating its 50th year anniversary.

The AFLA 2019 Corporate Fleet Conference is scheduled for Sep. 15 – 18, 2019, and will be held at the Arizona Grand Resort in Phoenix, Ariz, according to the association. The conference will begin with a kickoff dinner Gala at the Rustler's Rooste restaurant adjacent to the resort.

AFLA also recently announced other major events it will host for 2019, including its 2019 AFLA Forum on Big Data on March 19, which is designed to teach fleet managers how to better manage their operations using large amounts of information available to them.

A month before the 2019 AFLA conference from Aug. 11 to 17, AFLA will be hosting its week-long Mini-MBA program, which is designed to educate fleet professionals and advance their knowledge and help them grow in the industry.

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