Photo courtesy of Waste Management NZ.

Photo courtesy of Waste Management NZ.

Waste Management NZ opened a workshop in New Zealand that plans to convert 20 of its diesel trucks into electric vehicles in the next two years.

The company is close to finalizing its first converted vehicle, which will be used to collect waste from Auckland Hospital, according to a release from Waste Management NZ. The workshop will also be open for other companies that are looking to convert vehicles into EVs.

The company’s conversion partner, Netherlands-based EMOSS, provided the tools and knowledge to complete conversions in Auckland, which is where the conversion facility is based, said Waste Management.

The New Zealand government’s Low Emission Vehicles Contestable Fund, administered by the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority, contributed $500,000 in 2017 to help build the workshop and convert the first two trucks as part of its commitment to EV development.