Coca-Cola hybrid delivery van, photo courtesy of XL Hybrids.

Coca-Cola hybrid delivery van, photo courtesy of XL Hybrids. 

Coca-Cola and PepsiCo are continuing to explore new ways to reduce their reliance on high-carbon fuels, improve their fleets' fuel efficiency, and maintain a level of transparency with the reporting of this information, according to a report by Breaking Energy

The food and beverage companies recently announced they have partnered with the Business for Social Responsibility Future Fuels program. Through this partnership, Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, including Frito-Lay, will research the sourcing of fleet fuels, the carbon intensity of those fuels, and alternatives they can implement to reduce dependence on certain fuels.

Through the American Beverage Association, they have tracked and will continue to monitor their industry's vehicle fuel efficiency. Additionally, they will regularly publicize the data they gather and the steps they are taking to improve fleet efficiency, according to the report. 

The Department of Energy estimates that corporate and government fleets account for 35 percent of transportation-related oil consumption. New proposed standards by the Obama administration will reduce heavy- and medium-duty truck oil consumption by up to 40 percent, according to the report.