Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin has approved legislation that will allow interest-free loans to county governments in the state that purchase natural gas vehicles or convert fleet vehicles to natural gas, according to a press release from the state legislature.

Funding for loans under the bill (S.B. 656) will come from a state revolving fund, and the loans would require repayment within five years.

Fallin also signed legislation requiring the Oklahoma Department of Labor to adopt existing standard measurements for retail sales to the public of compressed natural gas (CNG) and liquefied natural gas (LNG) as a motor vehicle fuel.

According to the legislation (H.B. 1283), CNG will be sold in the gasoline gallon equivalent (GGE) unit, set at 5.66 pounds, while LNG will be sold in the diesel gallon equivalent (DGE) unit, set at 6.06 pounds. The standardized units will remain at these levels but could be updated later through the department's rule-making authority.