A new white paper from Aegis Mobility details in what ways employers are liable for the conduct in their employees, specifically when employees are involved in collisions caused by use of a mobile device.

For example, the report notes that courts routinely allow claims against employers even when an employee was driving after normal business hours, en route to a personal event, sightseeing on a business trip, operating a personal vehicle, or utilizing a personal mobile device while driving.

This paper is an update to another originally published in 2010. This updated white paper was developed in collaboration with a national law firm that specializes in defending corporate clients.

“The simple truth is that when employees crash while using a mobile device, employers are faced with significant risk and liability,” said Matt Howard, Chief Marketing Officer at Aegis Mobility. “In today’s hyper-connected world, companies must understand the full landscape of issues in order to make sound decisions about the use of mobile devices while employees are driving on the job.”

The paper is available for free download by visiting Aegis Mobility's site here.