Mikael Bratt, president and CEO of Autolive, expressed his excitement to partner with Polestar. - Photo: Autoliv Inc.

Mikael Bratt, president and CEO of Autolive, expressed his excitement to partner with Polestar.

Photo: Autoliv Inc.

Autoliv, Inc. announced its intent to collaborate with Polestar in its Polestar 0 initiative.

The goal is to develop a truly climate-neutral car by 2030, according to the companies' announcement.  

The “Polestar 0” project connects companies across the automotive supply chain to leverage innovation and collaboration to address the climate crisis and change the view of how to manufacture cars in a sustainable way. 

The collaboration is in line with Autoliv’s commitment for net-zero emissions across its supply chain by 2040.

“We are happy and proud to join forces with Polestar. To reach our ambitious climate targets, we need to collaborate across the value chain. We are well-positioned to continue to support our partners and customers in achieving their sustainability goals,” said Mikael Bratt, president/CEO of Autoliv.

Autoliv and Polestar said they intend to research and develop technology aiming at finding climate neutral solutions and innovations related to automotive safety such as pyrotechnics, textiles, and new generations of materials for airbags and seatbelts.

“It was clear from the start that this is not a solo-mission and we are very excited to present such a strong line-up of interested partners, all leaders within their fields, including Autoliv. We are leveraging innovation and collaboration to address the climate crisis,” said Thomas Ingenlath, Polestar CEO.

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