In this campaign, a young craftsman sees his career blooming and becoming successful with the...

In this campaign, a young craftsman sees his career blooming and becoming successful with the help of his Kangoo Van.

Photo: Renault video screencap

Renault has released a new campaign video to promote their Kangoo van. Offering a new design and a major innovation, called the "Open Sesame by Renault," the vehicle features a side opening of 1.45m.

In this campaign, a young craftsman sees his career blooming and becoming successful with the help of his Kangoo Van. The craftsman is soon to be a father, and decides to make a wooden chair for his little girl.  The chair design becomes a great success, leading the craftsman to run a family business and become famous on a talk show.

A gimmick referring to the side opening "open sesame by Renault" of the Kangoo van appears along the film, with the little girl's voice telling us the story and behind the success of her dad. 

The "Open Sesame by Renault" innovation remains the central element, presenting the vehicle as the perfect tool for professional success.