MADISON, WI - An analysis of new company cars added to the fleet by ALD Automotive over the four years to end 2006 shows their average CO2 emissions dropped by 6.7 percent or 11.1 g/km per car — more than double the 4.6 g/km cut in emissions of all new company cars registered over the period, according to Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT) data, reported the UK Web site for Energy Efficient Motorsports,

The average mileage of the vehicles added to ALD Automotives’ fleet over the same four-year period reduced by 12.6 percent or more than 2,800 miles per annum and a further cut in mileage are estimated this year.

ALD Automotive, which currently runs a fleet of more than 46,000 company cars and vans, told that the analysis highlights businesses that are beginning to heed the Government’s call to reduce their carbon footprint amid massive concerns over climate change damage. The data also reflects a significant fleet move to diesel company cars, which have lower CO2 emissions figures than equivalent petrol vehicles and the impact of the Government’s fiscal regime, which is designed to drive motorists into low emission vehicles.

In 2004 the average CO2 figure of a company car added to ALD Automotives’ fleet was 167.9 g/km. However, a huge reduction came in 2005 when the average new company car CO2 figure dropped to 161.4 g/km and a further significant cut to an average of 154.7 g/km came last year. This year’s average figure is tracking close to a similar mark.

A CO2 Report Generator is a new facility in fleet management software supplier CFC Solution FleetPlus package that produces carbon output figures covering everything from a global fleet overview to single driver and vehicle breakdowns. Using manufacturer CO2 figures for each vehicle, the software calculates the carbon footprint figures based on information recorded about journeys and vehicle use.

The tool can be set up to suggest where alternative forms of transport such as the train or other public transport may result in a lower carbon output than using a company vehicle for a specific journey.