Northampton County administrators have decided to delegate the duty of fleet management to the individual department heads rather than hire a fleet manager, according to The Express-Times. Deputy Administration Director David Gawlick will oversee the department heads. An audit from county Controller John Schimmel found that many of the county’s 116 vehicles sit idle on work days, and many vehicles are too expensive to maintain. The audit recommended hiring a fleet manager to oversee the county’s vehicles, an idea that was not supported by County Executive Glenn Reibman. However, county Councilman Wayne Grube says a part-time fleet manager could save the county money, and would help justify the need for the position, the paper reports. Councilman Ron Angle suggested eliminating Gawlick’s position and using that money to pay a fleet manager. In 2001, the county spent $96,000 to maintain its fleet; and $2,500 was spent in maintenance on nine of the county’s vehicles, reports The Express-Times.